towards the light



Seeking shelter on a rainy afternoon,

I ended up in an unexpected parallel dimension,

warm and humid,

where silence reigned and time seemed to have stopped.


No birds or animal sounds.

No wind among the leaves.

Just the sound of water hissing from somewhere.


And within this silence,

one could almost feel all these green creatures,

big and small, breathe and grow.

Each one in its own particular way.


But all turned towards the light.


fluctuat nec mergitur



Going back to this square, tiptoeing. So many people, flowers, candels. Flashes and cameras everywhere as in a morbid reality show. Being tempted to back away. Finding strenght and holding one’s hand to thread sidewalks that have long been familiar and friendly. In summertime, wintertime. Alone, with friends. Eyes wide open. To not let anything go unseen. Making myself go back once, twice, three, four times until the fear is under control. Covered in new laughters and memories.

Because Life is so beautiful still. And there is still so much so see and live and cherish. Because Life isn’t shorter or more fragile today than it was before. It was and still is one blink of the eye. There are no more or less questions, or certainties. Except that there is Light and there are shadows. We only have the power to use our freedom to look for the Light even in the darkest hour. And to carry it forward.

Peace out, friends.

this moment #22/52


*This moment*

A weekly ritual, inspired by SouleMama’s blog: a special picture, without subtitles. A unique, everyday or extra-ordinary delight that I want to record and cherish. Don’t hesitate to share your link in a comment for all to see if you wish to join in. Cheers!

there are days





There are days like this, when tiny delights pile up,

one after the other,

as if placed by some friendly hand from above.

Then, there’s really no other wise choice that to lean in and ride the joy wave.

Don’t you think?





It’s not often, that’s the least one can say.

But for this very reason, when it does happen to spot a perfect blue sky up above our heads, what a joy, what a surprise!

Then the oh so familiar rooftops and buildings suddenly shine differently. And in no time we, poor Southeners stranded in this usually (beautiful but) so grey city, dash outside to enjoy the sun; we gather in the parcs and along the river banks, kicking off our shoes and rolling up our sleaves as if in the middle of summer.

And while we are there, our heads turned upwards and our eyes closed, soaking every bit of warmth in because we know so well that it won’t last forever, each time we find ourselves sighing: Paris is such a beautiful city after all…

this moment # 16/52


*This moment*

A weekly ritual, inspired by SouleMama’s blog: a special picture, without subtitles. A unique, everyday or extra-ordinary delight that I want to record and cherish. Don’t hesitate to share your link in a comment for all to see if you wish to join in.

this moment # 15



*This moment*

A weekly ritual, inspired by SouleMama’s blog: a special picture, without subtitles. A unique, everyday or extra-ordinary delight that I want to record and cherish. Don’t hesitate to share your link in a comment for all to see if you wish to join in.

confettis everywhere














This moment #8

*Ce moment-là*

Un rituel hebdomadaire, inspiré de la rubrique de SouleMama: une photo, sans commentaires. Un arrêt sur image sur un petit grand bonheur, du quotidien ou extra-ordinaire, que j’ai envie de chérir et garder hors du temps. N’hésitez pas à partager votre moment dans un commentaire pour que tous puissent le lire.


*This moment*

A weekly ritual, inspired by SouleMama’s blog: a special picture, without subtitles. A unique, everyday or extra-ordinary  delight that I want to record and cherish. Don’t hesitate to share your link in a comment for all to see if you wish to join in. Cheers!

This moment #7

*Ce moment-là*

Un rituel hebdomadaire, inspiré de la rubrique de SouleMama: une photo, sans commentaires. Un arrêt sur image sur un petit grand bonheur, du quotidien ou extra-ordinaire, que j’ai envie de chérir et garder hors du temps. N’hésitez pas à partager votre moment dans un commentaire pour que tous puissent le lire.


*This moment*

A weekly ritual, inspired by SouleMama’s blog: a special picture, without subtitles. A unique, everyday or extra-ordinary  delight that I want to record and cherish. Don’t hesitate to share your link in a comment for all to see if you wish to join in. Cheers!