




« I threw my cup away when I saw a child drinking from a stream with his hands »






Rome is a light that you’d recognize anywhere.

A technicolor sky, reflections on the river and birds flying up above.

It’s the great beauty, flowered balconies, crowded restaurants and open bars.

A traffic mess, cars anywhere, dirty streets, messy public services.

It’s a never-ending vacation, a mellow and joyful decadence.

Rome equals time slowing down.

And finding yourself  by the river over and over, catching a different sunset each time.


« Si tu fais des images, ne parle pas, n’écris pas, ne t’analyse pas, ne réponds à aucun questionnaire. Ne piétine pas les jardins secrets. Suggérer c’est créer : décrire c’est détruire. »
Robert Doisneau



of light and water


Guardando indietro a questa strana estate della memoria

riscopro con una punta di sorpresa

un’intera collezione d’istantanee di luce e acqua,

albe e tramonti, in riva al mare.

Ed è così allora che me la voglio ricordare.


Dolce sera, cari amici



Looking back upon this odd summer of mine

with a pinch of surprise I have found

a whole set of snapshots of light and water,

dawns and sunsets, by the sea.

I’ll remember it like that then.

this light



There are days when you’re in one of the places you love the most, at the hour that you prefer and with a camera on hand. People pass you by, friends may speak to you but you’re only half there. Your mind eager with anticipation.

And maybe it’s because you know you won’t get more chances for weeks or months, but you just wait for that moment that could – should – be about to happen as the most precious gift.

And if you’re lucky enough for it to happen while you’re right there waiting on the first row, that the Roman light turns that particular shade of gold and slowly paints the water below, the walls, the leaves – you just feel your heart might burst and you’re at a loss for words. There you remember exactly why you so often bother to carry a camera with you. Because one needs a tool to share the world, its light and shadows, whenever words are just not enough.

Sweet evening friends.

venice II






« Not all that wander are lost » J.R.R. Tolkien

Venice by night, from above, is a spot in the sea you can barely tell from the sky / it’s a bus crossing a sad plane / pouring rain / sea smell / heart beating faster / eyes stuck to the side window / half-deserted steamboats / a city that appears and disappears / lingering / appealing.

It’s walking on rainy alleys / turning back / going forth / laughing out loud ’cause you’re lost again.

It’s a velvet curtain leading to yellow-earth walls / merry familiar tones that mend your heart / steaming dishes / toasts and joy.

Dozing Venice lets itself be sweetly tasted / silently walked through. It’s the echo of your footsteps / water splashing / the wind on your face / lights sparkling on the other side.  It’s a swinging bed / sleep falling over you as if you were a child.

Venice in the early morning is grabbing something to put on and rushing outside. It’s the sea smell / church bells somewhere / wind / clouds rushing by.

It’s your eyes full of wonder / water and sky / sky and water / all around you. It’s walking leisurely / smelling the air / deserted alleys.

It’s crossing a threshold and entering a different dimension / eyes open / lights / shadows / what you feel you don’t need to understand.

Venice is the new and the old / up and down / bridges to cross / water to bless you. It’s an uninterrupted wonder of light and colors.

Venice is this and a thousand things more.

this moment #22/52


*This moment*

A weekly ritual, inspired by SouleMama’s blog: a special picture, without subtitles. A unique, everyday or extra-ordinary delight that I want to record and cherish. Don’t hesitate to share your link in a comment for all to see if you wish to join in. Cheers!

there are days





There are days like this, when tiny delights pile up,

one after the other,

as if placed by some friendly hand from above.

Then, there’s really no other wise choice that to lean in and ride the joy wave.

Don’t you think?




Dear Rome,

the weather was not our friend this time. We had to adjust most of our outdoor plans and cancel a special, long-expected encounter because of the rain. But, one walk in the city center and you’re forgiven. How beautiful you are, my hometown. How much I miss you. You keep a piece of my heart whenever I leave.

Farewell to this summer