half a year







In three days, it will be 6 months. Half a year.

My first birthday and Gabriele’s have gone by without your phone call. And the first summer without seeing you, without you telling me how you enjoyed the images I sent you. Winter will be here soon and it will bring your birthday with it, the first where I won’t get the chance to ask myself what would make you happy. And the first Christmas without going present shopping together. Then spring will come and Chiara’s birthday with it, without you enquiring about her party. After that, the bulbs you offered me will bloom.

When March comes, the circle of these first twelve months « without » will be complete. Day after day we will have learned – more or less lightheartedly – to live with your absence and to let go of our habits together in order to make room for learning how to feel your presence differently.

In 6 months, the second « life-after » circle will begin, then the third, the fourth and so on, without us noticing. Day by day we will live our lives with your renewed presence by our sides and together, we will create new memories.

Everything will be different on the surface, of course, but maybe not so much so on the inside. Because to me it is cristal clear that you, who have taught me to love the changing seasons and their cycles, you are most certainly there, somewhere, smiling at us as you witness each new leaf sprout in our lives.













One of those summer nights that seem never to come to an end.

When you stay out late,

your hair still wet,

chasing every bit of light,

while the sky and the sea turn every shade of blue.


every sun ray



There is light, there are shadows. There’s a time for thinking over, evaluating, getting ready. A time for waiting, that might seem neverending and useless. But it never is. Because every time, a day comes when you wake up and it’s time for action. For actually seeing yourself doing the very thing you had geared up for for so long. So long without anything happening that you were almost loosing the faith. And there it comes, that day. And when it comes, each and every time, it takes you by surprise. As a flower deciding to bloom on a Tuesday rather than a Saturday, on a morning rather than an afternoon. It might seem by chance but it isn’t and you know it. It’s the result of countless rain drops and sun rays and chains of events, some of which are visible and some will never be known. And it’s utterly amazing, isn’t it? But even more amazing is the fact that on that day everything suddenly appears cristal clear and simple. Oh so very simple. And even though you are scared and you don’t know how you’re going to do it, deep down inside you’re at peace, finally, because you know, once again, that everything is gonna be just fine.


Wishing you a sweet evening friends

of light and water


Guardando indietro a questa strana estate della memoria

riscopro con una punta di sorpresa

un’intera collezione d’istantanee di luce e acqua,

albe e tramonti, in riva al mare.

Ed è così allora che me la voglio ricordare.


Dolce sera, cari amici



Looking back upon this odd summer of mine

with a pinch of surprise I have found

a whole set of snapshots of light and water,

dawns and sunsets, by the sea.

I’ll remember it like that then.

Simplement parfait – Just Perfect

 Les vacances sont finies, je sais. Il serait temps de parler de rentrée d’école, travail, routine. Mais permettez-moi de prolonger encore un peu la douceur des derniers jours d’été avec ces souvenirs de cieux bleus d’Italie et de mer cristalline. De bonne cuisine et enfants qui n’ont pas arrêté de s’entraider et s’amuser ensemble. De nos jeux dans le sable, plongeons, explorations sous-marines à trois et drôles de photos sous-marines. Ah ces vacances de dernière minute. Un moment hors du temps, simplement parfait.

Que votre rentrée soit douce, chers amis.












Holidays are over, I know. One should talk about first days at school, work, routine. But let me indulge just a wee bit more in the sweetness of the last days of summer with these memories of  Italian blue skies and crystaline waters. Of exquisite dishes and lovely kids that have never been so close and joyful. Of our games in the sand, diving competitions, underwater explorations together and funny selfies. Oh these last-minute holidays. What a timeless moment. Simply perfect.

I wish you all a sweet beginning of September, friends.


Un été à Paris – A Summer in Paris

Qu’il est long cet été à Paris. Voir les amis partir un par un et rester là, comme suspendue, sous ce ciel capricieux. Je me console en pensant que j’aurai une semaine au soleil quand tous seront rentrés et j’essaie d’en profiter pour faire des choses insolites, comme cette balade sur une partie du canal de l’Ourcq, en partant du bassin de la Villette.

Et vous, les amis, quels sont vos projets pour ces jours-ci?











This summer in Paris seems never-ending. Friends are leaving one by one and I’m left here, under this changing sky. I motivate myself thinking I’ll have one week in the sun when everyone is back to work and I strive to enjoy this moment to do new things, like this boat ride on the Ourcq canal.

And you, friends, how are enjoying these days?

Du soleil dans l’assiette – The Sun in a Bowl

Ces derniers jours la grisaille est revenue sur Paris et le soleil joue à nouveau à cache-cache. Vite, un remède avant que ce temps ne déteigne sur le moral de nous pauvres habitants de cette ville à moitié déserte. Une botte de basilic, des pignons, de l’ail, du parmesan et voilà du soleil dans l’assiette! C’est tellement bon, c’est simple, et ça me rappelle tant de souvenirs d’été de mon enfance.

Si vous voulez essayer aussi, il suffit de hacher grossièrement dans un robot 100gr de pignons (avec une poignée de noix si vous voulez) et une gousse d’ail, y incorporer les feuilles bien lavées d’une botte de basilic, sel et poivre, puis de huile d’olive en filet jusqu’à obtenir une pâte assez crémeuse. Transvaser ensuite dans un pot en verre et rajouter un peu d’huile pour bien faire mariner la préparation. Une ou deux cuillères par personne suffisent largement pour assaisonner votre assiette de pâtes sur lesquelles vous allez, bien sûr, râper du bon parmesan. Et voilà, en un clin d’œil c’est prêt, il ne vous reste qu’à vous régaler!

PS Ce pistou se garde longtemps au frigo, pensez juste à rajouter toujours un filet d’huile par dessus pour qu’il reste toujours couvert.




These last few days the sky is grey over Paris and the sun plays hide and seek again. It’s high time for some remedy before this lousy weather brings us poor dwellers of this half-deserted town down. Just grab some basil, garlic, pine nuts and parmesan cheese and behold the sun in your bowl! This pasta sauce is quick, healthy and delicious and it brings back so many memories of my childhood summer holidays.

If you want to give it a try you only need to mix 100 gr of pine nuts (and walnuts if you wish) with one clove of garlic, add the leaves of a bundle of basil which you’ll have washed and dried first, salt and pepper, then pour a drizzle of olive oil until smooth. Store in the fridge, in a glass jar and add some olive oil  to let the aromes marinate well. One or two spoons suffice for a bowl of pasta, together with some freshly-grated parmesan cheese of course. There you go, it’s tasty and really quick, enjoy!

PS This sauce lasts a few weeks in the fridge provided that you keep it covered with a thin layer of olive oil. 

This moment #26

*Ce moment là*

Un rituel hebdomadaire, inspiré de la rubrique de SouleMama: une photo spéciale, sans (ou parfois avec) commentaires. Un arrêt sur image sur un petit grand bonheur, du quotidien ou extra-ordinaire, que j’ai envie de chérir et garder hors du temps. Si le cœur vous en dit, insérez votre lien dans un commentaire pour que tous puissent le voir.


*This moment*

A weekly ritual, inspired by SouleMama’s blog. A special picture, without (or sometimes with) subtitles. A unique, everyday or extra-ordinary  delight that I want to record and cherish. If you wish to do the same, do share your link in a comment for all to see.

This moment #25

*Ce moment là*

Un rituel hebdomadaire, inspiré de la rubrique de SouleMama: une photo spéciale, sans (ou parfois avec) commentaires. Un arrêt sur image sur un petit grand bonheur, du quotidien ou extra-ordinaire, que j’ai envie de chérir et garder hors du temps. Si le cœur vous en dit, insérez votre lien dans un commentaire pour que tous puissent le voir.


*This moment*

A weekly ritual, inspired by SouleMama’s blog. A special picture, without (or sometimes with) subtitles. A unique, everyday or extra-ordinary  delight that I want to record and cherish. If you wish to do the same, do share your link in a comment for all to see.

This moment #24

*Ce moment là*

Un rituel hebdomadaire, inspiré de la rubrique de SouleMama: une photo spéciale, sans (ou parfois avec) commentaires. Un arrêt sur image sur un petit grand bonheur, du quotidien ou extra-ordinaire, que j’ai envie de chérir et garder hors du temps. Si le cœur vous en dit, insérez votre lien dans un commentaire pour que tous puissent le voir.


*This moment*

A weekly ritual, inspired by SouleMama’s blog. A special picture, without (or sometimes with) subtitles. A unique, everyday or extra-ordinary  delight that I want to record and cherish. If you wish to do the same, do share your link in a comment for all to see.